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Become A Couch Surfer.

Are you tired of always losing arguments with your significant other? Do you find yourself waking up on the couch more often than in your own bed? If so, you’re in luck! We’ve compiled a list of foolproof ways to lose an argument with your significant other and end up sleeping on the couch.

First and foremost, it’s important to come prepared. Make sure to have a deck of cards or a board game on hand at all times. This will give you the opportunity to distract your partner with a friendly game of Uno or Monopoly when things start to get heated. Who could stay mad while playing a rousing game of Bachelorette or Cards Against Humanity? Plus, you’ll get the added bonus of being able to blame your loss on the luck of the draw or a strategic error in the game, rather than admitting defeat in the argument.

Another surefire way to lose an argument is to bring up your love of adult drinking games. Whether it’s beer pong, flip cup, or never have I ever, your partner will be so turned off by the idea of getting drunk that they’ll be more than happy to drop the argument and go to bed sober. Bonus points if you can convince them to join in and then proceed to lose the game spectacularly.

If games aren’t really your thing, you can always try to diffuse the argument with some good old-fashioned humor. Crack a few jokes, make a silly face, or do a silly dance. Your partner may be upset at first, but it’s hard to stay mad at someone who is making you laugh. Just be careful not to overdo it – you don’t want to end up sleeping on the couch because your partner thinks you’re not taking them seriously.

If all else fails, you can always try the classic “agree to disagree” tactic. This works especially well if you’re both dug in on opposite sides of the argument and no one is budging. By agreeing to disagree, you’re acknowledging that you understand and respect your partner’s perspective, even if you don’t necessarily agree with it. This can go a long way in maintaining a healthy and respectful relationship, even if it does mean you’ll be sleeping on the couch for the night.

But let’s say you’ve tried all of these tactics and you’re still locked in an intense argument with your significant other. In that case, it might be time to pull out the big guns. One surefire way to lose an argument and end up on the couch is to bring up the fact that you’re considering taking up a new hobby – something your partner hates. For example, if your partner can’t stand the sound of finger nails on a chalkboard, suggest taking up the violin. Or if they’re terrified of heights, bring up the idea of skydiving lessons. Your partner will be so relieved to have the argument end that they’ll be more than happy to let you sleep on the couch in exchange for not having to endure your new hobby.

So the next time you find yourself in a heated argument with your significant other, remember to break out the games, bring up your love of adult drinking games, try to make them laugh, or agree to disagree. If all else fails, consider taking up a new hobby that your partner hates. With a little bit of creativity and a lot of grace, you’ll be well on your way to losing the argument and ending up on the couch – all while keeping your relationship strong and healthy. Just be sure to optimize your article for search engine optimization so that others can learn from your mistakes and avoid the same fate.



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